Mendacity in America

To be clear, it’s not just the Trumps or the Taylor Greenes. I don’t believe the Bidens and the Pelosis either. The GOP spread hate and hypocrisy, while the Dems spread deception and hypocrisy. Nothing they say is true; everything is for appearance and spectacle. Politics is celebrity and as addictive as heroin. And corruption flourishes everywhere.

The Dems probably sacrificed their most promising leader when they banished Franken in the frenzy of #MeToo to pretend that they were somehow different from Trump, but they supported Clinton—a known predator.

The Republican presidential candidates are either conspiracy theorists or hate mongers. Biden is asleep, and Harris seems to be missing in action.

How about an Amy Klobuchar/ Lynne Cheney ticket? I trust them.

Published by Carole J. Garrison

I’m a conversationalist, an observer, a passionate participant in life. And now, in my later years, I’m a recorder of the lessons of my life through essays, stories, and novels. I live in the fourth moment of life, just outside the normal distribution of most people and it is from this place that I write.

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